6 Simple Ways To Keep Your Carpets Clean

6 Simple Ways To Keep Your Carpets Clean

It is very essential to keep your carpet fresh and clean because carpet attracts dirt and allergens on a daily basis. For many homeowners, it is a very difficult task to maintain the beauty of the carpet. Try to maintain the charm of the carpet for a long period with correct cleaning techniques. Follow the Simple Ways to Keep Your Carpets Clean with proper maintenance tips and damage control strategies. Dust, allergens, bacteria, urine, and pet stains over the years get deposited on the carpet and decrease the quality of the carpet. 

Here are the ways to keep your carpet clean

  • Remove shoes at the door

One of the easiest and Simple Ways to Keep Your Carpets Clean is to remove the shoes at the door. Make it a habit to remove your shoes at the doorstep and encourage guests to do the same. If you continuously wear your shoes while walking on the carpet then you notice dirt tracks. To improve the lifespan of your floor by leaving your shoes at the door. 

  • Sprinkle baking soda on the carpet

The main motive while carpet cleaning is that the carpet looks clean as well as smells good. So if you want your carpet to smell fresh for a long period then sprinkle baking soda over your carpet. Let the baking soda settle on your carpet for 5- 10 minutes and then vacuum it.

  • Use vacuum regularly

Most people avoid using a vacuum on the carpet until they notice any mess. So with regular vacuuming, you will automatically observe the difference in cleaning. With regular vacuuming, it becomes easy to remove the dust particles, dirt, and allergens from the carpet. Try to vacuum slowly and steadily in the most frequent areas to pick up debris. You won’t be able to pick up hidden dirt particles if you speed up the vacuum. It is highly important to change the vacuum filters on a regular basis otherwise your vacuum won’t work effectively. 

  • Soak up spills

Try to clean the spills as soon as possible but avoid rubbing them. Whenever you notice any spot on the carpet dab cleaning solution onto the trouble spot. Use a clean cloth or paper towel to blot the surface. If you want to prevent the spill from spreading then try to blot from the outside in. 

  • Steam clean the carpet

Another Simple Way to Keep Your Carpets Clean is to use a steam cleaner. Read the instructions carefully on the carpet then use the cleaner according to it. Start using the steam cleaner on the carpet. When you push out steam cleaner forward then it will push out water and when you pull them backward, suck it back up. Get effective results by moving the steam cleaner slowly to prevent mold and mildew growth.


Invest in some good quality spray available in the market which will give your rugs a fresh smell. Try to hire a professional carpet cleaning service at least twice a year. They help to deep clean the carpet and provide you with long-lasting results. If you have a clean carpet then you can keep your home comfortable.